Sunday, December 7, 2008

New toy...

This weekend my Aunt and Uncle came into town. And of course they brought with them a 19- month-old present for Anna. Her present was her very own purse with pockets, buttons and the purse was even filled with various items. One of which was a present from my cousin and her family. Mind you this is a family with 8 children and almost every gift they have sent has always ended up being one of our favorite items as I am sure after 8 children you know what works and what doesn't. Well, when Anna unwrapped this musical instrument we thought for sure it would be a while before she would figure out how a harmonica works. She proved us wrong! All we had to say was, "blow, like it is hot." This is a common phrase around mealtime at our house and she knew exactly what to do.


Whitney Hannam said...

So cute...she might just have a future in the blues!!!

Go Anna!

Love Being A Nonny said...

What a great idea.........shhh.........