Friday, January 25, 2008

8 Months & Growing

I sure do love my Mommy
My first babydoll- thanks Great Granny One of my favorite things to do during bath times is to SPLASH!!
Here's Daddy falling asleep with me.
This is my new trick I just learned, how to crawl up on my car and then I'm able to reach more things I'm not supposed to.
I got to meet the Chic Fil A cow for the first time. He has pajamas just like me.
Fast asleep after a hard day of running errands.

Riding on my new car I got for Christmas.
Vroom vroom
All bundled up and ready for a stroll.
It's chilly out, I better put on my gloves.


For Sale said...

She's growing up way too fast!!

millie smith said...

i LOVE the pictures. the splashing in the bath is the best!

The Sasser Family said...

Hi...we're the Sasser Family, too. And we just had a baby in November and named him Kevin. We also have a sister-in-law named Amy. Thought all this was too funny not to share with you.

The Sasser Family said...

I seriously cannot believe how much our "Sasser" babies have in common. Kevin was breastfed, too and is lactose intolerant - we also use Isomil formula. We also were parents of the year and he slept on his tummy when he was 1 week old. His head was strong enough that he could move side to side, too. It's so funny reading your blog and seeing how similar they are! I needed you in November when we brought him home and had so many sleepless nights I cannot even count!!! I have so many pictures of my husband sleeping with Kevin on his chest because that was the only way either of us could sleep : )