Friday, December 24, 2010

Brrrr Cold!

Over the last several weeks we have had some cold, cold weather. We have spent A LOT of time inside, even having all day pajama days (or "J's" as they are known in our house). These two have also spent A LOT of time on the floor---snuggling, tickling, rolling, flying on airplanes and wrestling. It is so fun to watch them play together and love on each other. Most nights daddy gets in on the action. We received crazy creeks as a gift this year from the YL committee. Who would have guessed that these chairs would have provided hours of entertainment for our children. They love to read in them, make homes for their babies and stuffed animals, but probably their favorite activity is rocking in them with mommy or daddy. They both pile on and it makes for a great workout for all. They are one of the first things that make their way out in the morning and Aiden is usually the one dragging them out, despite the fact they are as big as him.
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