Sunday, July 13, 2008

Front Yard Fun....

Most days you can find Anna and me in our front yard playing. Often it is around lunchtime or 5:30pm, waiting for daddy to arrive. A week or so ago we were sitting out front when I heard Anna say "heyyy da." I knew it was not time for Kevin to be home so I turned to see who she was speaking to. As I turned, a green SUV was passing our house. Anna amazes me daily with the knowledge she has and the ways in which she is able to grasp things. Daily her vocabulary is expanding. Here are some of the words she has mastered and repeats back often...done, down, side (outside), all gone, no (loves to say no, no, no), ma, dada, nigh nigh (night-night, which is for nap time or bedtime), nana (banana), bye, hey, hi, ball, bah (bottle), wahhr (water), boat, raaa (rock, in which she will go to a chair that rocks and begin to rock it). Last weekend at the lake Anna was mesmerized by the boats. From almost any place in my parent's house you can see the water. Anna quickly learned they were called boats and as soon as one came into sight she blurted out BBBOOAT as loud as possible. Meal time was especially fun as she could see all the boats pass from the kitchen windows. Shortly after we got home we were outside and one of our neighbors started up their lawn mower. Anna quickly looked around and said, "bbboat." She associated the loud noise to the noise the boats made on the lake. It surely is fun to watch her little brain begin to sort through and put things together.
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1 comment:

Sarah said...

Anna is so cute, Amy. It is good to get to know you at Bible Study. I heard so many nice things about you from Melanie so it is good to really meet you. Have a great week!