Thursday, April 3, 2008

These days...

We have had lots of people to comment to us about Anna's ability to say "bock." So I figured I would share with you a few more interesting accomplishments of Anna's. She keeps us entertained. Here are just a few...
  • One day at the end of January Anna was looking at herself in the fireplace doors as she played on her Leap Frog Table. All of sudden as she was bobbing up and down to the music she began to clap. Although she clapped that day in January it wasn't until recently she started clapping when you clap. She gets a huge grin on her face when you clap and begins to clap along with you.
  • Anna has been cruising around furniture for a good while now. She will pull up and walk along our couch or along the ottoman. However, the minute we would take her hands she would plop down on her knees and begin crawling. I think she just knew she could get there quicker if she crawled. But about two and half weeks ago she decided she was ready to start mastering walking and now she loves to take our hands and cruise around our house. She makes multiple laps at a time. She also loves to go cruising on her own with one of her two walking toys.
  • Just today Anna was playing with a toy, holding onto our ottoman when all of a sudden I looked over and she was standing there with the toy without holding onto the ottoman. She had complete control and balance. She stood alone for several seconds.
  • Now that Anna has "bock" down we often will show her the clock and go "tick tock". She just laughs and then tries to repeat what we are saying. It usually ends up with her just spraying us a good bit as she tries to to get "ttiick" out of her mouth.
  • For some time now Anna has been saying mamamama...just like that, one drawn out word. So we have been practicing dada. For some reason when practicing we would always say, "hey daddy" well now instead of dada she say "heyda" one word. It is too cute.
  • As you might have already of guessed Anna really likes to imitate what we are doing. This morning I was on one side of the ottoman and she was on the other. We were face to face. I would make a sound with my tongue and then she would make the sound. She loves to click her tongue. I would shriek and she would shriek. We had a good time just laughing at one another, making silly faces.
  • And finally something that makes both Kevin and I as well as Anna laugh almost every night is when we have our nightly game of TAG! For months now (pretty much since Anna started crawling) she loves for us to chase after her. She starts out crawling in one direction and turns back (just long enough) to see if you are coming after her. We get on all fours as well and go after her. We make loud sounds with our hands, so she knows we are coming. When she hears us pounding on the floor she puts her head down to crawl even faster. When she knows you are close, she will often just stop right there and fall face down to the floor and begin laughing. She does this in anticipation of knowing once we get her we are going to flip her over and tickle her. If she knows she can make it, she tries to get to a wall or door or even the gate we have up between the kitchen and den, anything she can pull up on and grab hold before we get her. It is almost like they are base. Kevin and I just laugh.
  • As I am writing these I just thought of one more (I am sure I could think of many more but these are just some of my favorite and newest tricks she has mastered lately). Anna loves textures. She loves to feel with her hands and rub things. Just in the past few days I have caught her rolling from front to back and back to front and doing her hands (as if making a snow angel when on her back or swimming breast stroke when on her belly) as she feels the carpet or even the tile kitchen floor. Yes, yesterday she was rolling on our tile kitchen floor. Finally I had to pick her up once she banged her head twice. Although it did not phase her I couldn't stand to listen to the clang.

Since I know that pictures are worth a thousand words I will try posting some recent pictures of these things soon!


Nan said...

Precious! I miss those sweet times!

Melissa said...

she's such a cutie pie. i love hearing about all her new tricks!

Caroline said...

Amy, don't think you and I ever met, but I went to UNCG with Kevin. I am enjoying checking in on your blog once in a while. Anna is precious and it sounds like you are really taking advantage of quality time with her. I have really enjoyed the 11mos+ growth and development with our son Wesley. You can almost see their brain soaking in everything they see, hear, and touch. Such an exciting time for you and for Anna!