Monday, June 11, 2007

When it rains it pours

This weekend has been a tough one for the Sasser family. After switching to soy formula, we thought we had the sleeping issue licked, until Anna started having severe gas. So much so that she did not go to sleep on Friday night until 5AM & Sat night until 6AM. Friday night I stayed at our house with my parents to begin a home renovation project first thing Sat AM while Amy stayed at her parents house to stay out of the mess. I was able to get a good night sleep, but Amy was not. As with most home projects, this one did not go without it's frustrations and holdups. Last night Amy & I slept at her parent's house and my parent's slept at our house with Anna so we could get a good nights sleep. For some reason we tossed and turned all night long, not sleeping well. Then we got a call this AM from my parents about one of the cats getting hurt. I rushed down here to find that a safety gate had fallen on Tyson. He was bleeding significantly from his eye, nose, & mouth. His pour little eye was popped out. We rushed him to the vet where they were able to put his eye back in and sew it shut temporarily. The prospect of him being able to see again are very slim. We're waiting to hear back from the orthopedic specialist about his jaw which they think might be broken as well. Tyson is spending the night at the vet and then we'll be bringing him home tomorrow. Please pray for us. I have had high hopes and good ideas for new posts recently, but unfortunately this is all I can manage. Please pray for us. We are VERY exhausted and overwhelmed.


Matt Hannam said...

yeah, it sounds like you're getting poured on. i'm so sorry.

being gassy is no fun. anyone who has shared a tent with kevin can attest.

LuLaRoeMeg said...

Hey Guys,
It's Hutch's wife Meg. The Whitworths gave us your blog address. I thought I'd write to let you know of an incredible parenting book that literally saved our lives as new parents. "BabyWise" by Gary Ezzo. Cole was a tough newborn as well, and I still SWEAR by the book. Check out our new blog at

George said...

Hi Kevin and Amy. I will pray for Anna's heart (and for your poor kitty's jaw) and for them to find a new home.

I miss you guys.