Monday, April 25, 2011

Sweet Boys!

Tonight we had to say goodbye to this sweet little boy on the right. Cousin Elliot has been in NC for over two weeks. Anna and Aiden are going to be missing him, but are excited he will soon be moving to NC! We can't wait!

My two boys! Notice the hair and curls in the back of Aiden's head. Love the curls and love these boys!

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Just for fun!

Blogger and Picasa have been giving many of us trouble for the past few weeks, which partially explains the lack of posts. There are many other reasons. One of them being that life is full and the days and weeks are quickly turning into months. I rarely have a moment to just sit and document our life, but we are in a season with our children that we are really loving. How can it almost be May and how can we have a daughter who will be turning FOUR in a matter of days?! I have lots to catch-up on and have even tried to jot some posts down as Picasa was not working. But until then, enjoy this sweet picture of Anna and Aiden from this Saturday at an Easter Egg hunt. Anna was able to take a ride on Chief, the horse. Aiden really wanted to ride the horse and even asked for his turn. I think Anna was more timid than Aiden. Chief's owner was nice enough to let Aiden sit on Chief for some pictures at the end of Anna's ride.
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