This is Anna racing down the row at the strawberry patch. She had just slipped but instead of crying she immediately moved to this position to see how far back her mommy was, whom she was racing against! Everyday, if not hourly or by the minute our little girl has us smiling from ear to ear. Last night we were on a family walk and Kevin commented that you literally have to refrain yourself from laughing at some of the things that come out of Anna's mouth these days.
Here are just a few of those words that make us smile:
Most days when we ask Anna what or who she would like to pray for she will begin to list her friends and family. But one night recently was a little different as I was putting her to bed. When I asked her what she wanted to pray for this is what she listed….
Other Store (That particular day we had been in Sam’s and Anna began to cry as we were leaving. Kevin and I shared with her that we were not done with our errands but were going to another store.)
Straw/Top (Our child is infatuated with getting water in a to-go cup at a restaurant, hence a cup with a straw and a top. Anything is better than the sippy cup you brought from home!)
I bet you can tell what we had done that day…ran errands, lots and lots of errands!
Often when putting Anna to bed or down for a nap, Anna will share with us what she wants to do, "tomorrow." This particular night she said, “read the bible” and “target.” She woke the next morning in tears because she wanted to go to Target. She did not understand that the store would not be open for a bit. She rarely forgets what we talked about the night before when she wakes the next morning.
Words we often hear in the car (usually before the car has even started):
Strappy In (also stated after she climbs into her booster chair at mealtime)
Daddy/Mommy strappy inn (referring to us putting on our seat belt)
Too hot, turn on air (air conditioner)
Turn on dance dance (music)
Random words she has learned and uses often:
Calculator (favorite toy these days)
Weed whacker (I am pretty sure if Anna could tell you what she wanted to be when she grows up, it would be a postal worker, lawn man or garbage man. All are favorites around here.)
Sunder (thunder)
BasOleen (Vaseline)
Instructions she is often giving us, her baby or herself:
Slow down
Ready, Set, Go
No Ma’am (what she often tells herself or baby when she knows she is doing something she should not be)
I’ll go run errand (If you could not tell our little girl loves to run errands. These words are often heard in the morning or after her nap when we go and greet her in her room.)
Take a bass (take a bath)
Brush a tees (brush your teeth)
Pray Jesus
Change de diaper (Anna has just recently learned to climb her changing table and will often be found laying on her changing table with a clean diaper in hand, loudly saying these words.)
Catch de mail (Check the mail. Still one of Anna’s favorite pastimes.)
Clap, Clap Hooray (Anna recently would walk around the house saying, "HOORAY" and we could not figure out where she had learned that particular word until we went in to her preschool for a parent appreciation day and the children performed several songs they had learned and those words were in one of the songs. Mystery solved.)
Happ Birday to you (since her birthday Anna has been known to sit at the table at meal time and sing the first lines of this song)
Mommy hold you (anytime she wants to be held)
Anna no like (Often referring to a certain food but more recently when we pick out an outfit and she is not the biggest fan of what we have chosen for her to wear that day. Yes, our two year old for over a month now has been opinionated on what she will wear and will often be found standing in her closet looking at her clothes, sifting through the hangers. Not to mention many days she does not want to take off her "Js"-pajamas and insists on wearing them.)
No more jumpy (Referring to the book, "Five little monkeys jumping on the bed" that she just received for her birthday. She will take her pointer finger and move it up and down as she says the words.)
Watching the mind of a child develop is absolutely amazing. We see God's hand prints all over our little girl. Anna is very observant. As I have mentioned before she knows where various places are located throughout the city. On our way to preschool or another familiar destination, when sitting at a light, she will say, "that way" and point her hands in the direction I should turn. Yesterday, I was blown away by her sense of direction. We were on our way to a local strawberry farm (pictures to come). We were in a part of town that we rarely travel, except on Sundays to church. We pulled up to a light where we usually turn right to head to church. Anna immediately recognized where we were and said, "that way, church." There are also particular cars that Anna recognizes and when she sees similar ones around town, she will scream the name of the person whom she thinks should be driving them.
In Psalm 127 we read that children are a reward from our Lord. How true! It is a blessing to be Anna's mommy! May I remember this when I am tired and my patience is lacking. Oh yes, two more phrases this little one learned as we have been a sick household...
"daddy sick?"
"mommy tired?"
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love, love that picture!! miss personality....
i always love reading but that was an especially precious update.
"pray jesus"! love it.
-heather bland
That was great! She is so precious, Amy!
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